Menstruation Massage

Massage for Hormonal Wellness

Can I get a massage when I have my period ? Yes! Our reproductive health massage is an integrated massage that supports hormonal wellness and may or may not include swedish massage, acupressure, manual lymphatic drainage, aromatherapy, hydrotherpay, and energetic work, etc. to help you engage in a positive, calm experience with your body while reducing symptoms of discomfort.

Who is the reproductive health massage for?

Is massage ok during menstruation? Yes! But also, this session is appropriate for a range of reproductive health concerns. Whether you are a young person who hasn't yet experienced menarche, someone experiencing PMS, dysmennorhea or period symptoms, a person working on fertility, a pregnant client, currently in postpartum recovery, working through gender transition, suffered a miscarriage, had an abortion, or are peri-menopausal, menopausal, or post-menopausal, massage holds benefits for your health and well being. A detailed intake process will assist your massage therapist in customizing the session to reduce symptoms and discomfort and support your wellness goals.